
Sweet BBQ Jackfruit

By admin

May 9, 2018

As seen demonstrated at the 2018 Jiggy with the Piggy festival.


1Place the jackfruit in a fine mesh strainer and drain. Leave in existing chunks for smoking.

2Place a medium pan over low heat. Sprinkle the desired amount of smoking chips over the hot spot of the pan.

3Place a small perforated pan inside of the 8" pan. Spread the jackfruit out in the pan close to the smoke. Cover the pan. Smoke 5-7 minutes with pan covered. Smokiness will vary depending on the amount of chips and heat.

4Remove the jackfruit from the smoker. In a mixing bowl, break down the large chunks so it resembles pulled pork before cooking.

5Place 2 oz. grape seed oil in a heated nonstick saute pan. Add the jackfruit to the pan when the oil begins to smoke. Toss the pan frequently over medium high heat until it is seared and caramelized.

6Add the sweet BBQ sauce, water, and 1/2 cup of grape seed oil to the pan of jackfruit. Bring to a boil. Simmer 15 minutes until the mixture has thickened. Stir frequently. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

By Chef Robert Walter


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