Improving Fruit & Vegetable Consumption


Eighty seven percent of people in the US do not eat the USDA recommended four to five cups of fruits and vegetables per day. What if there was a way to help solve that problem by getting more of the natural goodness of produce into more of the foods people do eat?

The NC State Plants for Human Health Institute (PHHI) is planning on doing just that using a $1 million Seeding Solutions grant from the  Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, a nonprofit established in the 2014 Farm Bill. The investment is actually doubled to $2 million with matching funds provided by NC State University and NC Research Campus corporate partners Dole Food Company and Standard Process, Inc. The grant will allow PHHI to partner with food companies to improve products by increasing the delivery of health-promoting nutrients and compounds found in fruits and vegetables like blueberry, banana and spinach.

Read all about this grant and learn more about PHHI.

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